Xbox 360 Power Wiring Diagram
[image: Xbox 360 Power Wiring Diagram]
[image: Xbox 360 Power Wiring Diagram]
Although it needs to be updated (there are a number of missing links and we weren't able to sign up for certain services), I really really enjoyed the program. If it hadn't been for this class, I wouldn't have started a blog, nor would I have been able to say that I have 'tried' half of the online services that I have. All-in-all, I thought it was an invaluable learning experience and I hope that next year (when everything will change again) that someone has the foresight to recreate it.
After working at a library with our own localized version of NetLibrary, I have a hard time wanting to switch companies or buy expensive audiobooks. By being a member of Rockford Public Library, you have open access to MyMediaMall. It's a pretty amazing online service that allows you to (for a short amount of time) download an audiobook. It's a lot like checking out an audiobook but involves a bit of work. The site is nowhere near perfect, but it does have a lot to offer. I just started using it because they just opened up access to Mac users. Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free??
I have been a big fan of NPR for many years, so when I got my ipod and computer all set up, I was immediately getting the podcasts from all my favorite shows. There is actually quite a bit to choose from on iTunes. I have been downloading torrents for awhile, but it seems like the process of getting podcasts is pretty overworked. I don't understand why they don't just have them for direct download from the internet. I found something on travel, but I didn't like it as much as my NPR! I guess that I'm stuck in my ways on this one.
Who doesn't love youtube???? One of the many reasons to be in awe of the Internet is how easy it is to find brilliant artists...from independent webisodes made by regular people, to learning how to do things from experts who are kind enough to post videos. I love me some youtube.
This is one of my most favorite videos. It never gets old.
This is one of my most favorite videos. It never gets old.
To be honest, I have been to a lot of these sites and there are some that are already integrated into my Internet habits. I use Mango, Google (of course!), craigslist, delicious, librarything, etc. I was trying to find something new that I didn't know about. I did find out about going, which is pretty cool, but I only go to Chicago like once a month. It may come in handy every once in awhile, but I'll pass it on to friends that live in the big cities. The NYC page looked pretty amazing. I mostly looked through photo booths of people that live in Chicago. I kindof wish that all the photos were Chicago specific, but I guess that the photographers are all from Chicago?? Anyway, pretty neat. Looking forward to next year's awards!
Wowza. I like this. And I don't even have to be PC specific. It took forever for me to find a copy of Microsoft Office Suite for Mac. It's SUPER expensive, so I had to wait for an old version from a friend. Anyway, I tried using the Googledocs at one point, but it wasn't user friendly at all. I like this SO much. It will really be useful for school since I am constantly having to email myself updated versions of documents. I have definitely turned in the wrong version of a paper. It wasn't cool. It could have been avoided if this thing had been around. It will let me work on my stuff in multiple locations, which is good since I have to switch desks all the time at work.
This was posted directly from zoho writer using the publish function. It was sooo easy.
This was posted directly from zoho writer using the publish function. It was sooo easy.

So I couldn't register so I decided to surf...I looked around at library-related stuff for awhile but just got sucked into a hilarious website called Go Fug Yourself. I'm hooked. I laughed out loud probably a dozen times on the first page. It's shameless and reminds me of British rags that don't deserve to be in print, but I feel ok with the blog because it's online. It's supposed to be trashy! Anyway, I did bookmark PLCMC for future reference.
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